Variegated forms of Monstera Deliciosa continue to dominate the world of rare plants, as striking new forms continue to be developed. These rare and unique versions of the classic houseplant bring a fresh appeal to collectors, and often demand extraordinary prices at auction.
Monstera Deliciosa ‘Bulbasaur’
Initially discovered as a random mutation (or “sport”) among seed-grown monstera deliciosa, this striking plant features mottled light-green variegation over a standard dark green leaf.

As many (most?) would be aware, Bulbasaur is a character from the Pokémon anime/games franchise. Besides also being a plant and having two different shades of green, the monstera doesn’t really resemble the Pokémon in any distinct way
Monstera Deliciosa Mint ‘White Tears’
Another randomly occurring mutation, the “White Tears” monstera is a form of mint monstera with little white markings that resemble tears.

In the various photos published of this plant online, the white markings are barely distinguishable and the plant could very easily be confused for a regular “mint” monstera. Nevertheless, these plants are currently selling for in excess of a thousand US dollars.
Monstera ‘Devil Monster’
One of the more dramatic monstera sports to pop up in recent years, the “devil monster” is noted for its intense variegation and extremely deep fenestrations. The plant’s elongated shape, pale colour and thin veining resemble something from a Lovecraftian horror, and we’re here for it.

A monstera ‘devil monster’ notably sold at the Bangkok International Plant Show for $39,000 USD, making it one of the most valuable monstera sports to (publicly) sell for quite some time. To date, only a small number of these have been exchanged and few—if any—have left Asia.