How to care for newly-arrived plants—Kaylee Ellen’s (very) helpful guide

Kaylee Ellen is a British plant shop owner known for YouTube channel, which focuses heavily on the collection and care of rare aroid houseplants.

Tucked away in the description for one of Kaylee Ellen’s older videos is this extremely helpful flow chart, which details exactly how you should care for a new plant depending on the condition in which it arrived.

You can download a .PDF version by clicking on the image above.

One of the most important things to remember from this chart is that plants that arrive bare rooted and plants that arrived in a pot need to be treated differently. Bare rooted plants need to be popped into water for a day, otherwise you run the risk of them dying back to a stump.

One extra thing you can do to rehab a plant—that’s not mentioned in this guide—is to increase the humidity by placing the plant in a clear plastic bag or tub.

Shane Gowland

Hi! I'm a plant enthusiast from Adelaide with a passion for sharing my plant knowledge and experiences. You can check out my collection on Instagram or learn more about me on my website.

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